Hi, I'm Iza!

I'm human-centered Web Developer based in Ottawa.

Get in touch
portrait of a female web developer wearing glasses

About Me

I'm a Front-End Developer with 5+ years of experience in the operations of IT companies. I'm continuously learning how to use my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript experience to make the world more accessible and responsive. I find my inner peace by connecting the structure of code and the freshness of new technologies. For a perfect mix I need a moment in nature too!


  • html

  • css

  • sass

  • javascript

  • react

  • github/git

  • firebase


Concert Budget Master

react, firebase, sass

React App to help with managing the budget for the concerts. Multiple components, Firebase, React Hooks

Top Rated Films

html, css, sass, javascript

Top Rated Films Around The World allows user to check the top rated movies through the TMDB API. Pair programming collaborative project.

Project 3

react, css, hooks

React App helping parents find the activities for their bored kids. Multiple components, React Hooks


html, css, sass

Multi-page PDF conversion, with the accent on responsive (up to 320px) and accessible design


Let's chat! If you have any questions about my projects or if you'd like to know where to go for a walk in Ottawa, just drop me a line!